IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 11618 accession number: C.20A-1984 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Monday 29 April 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Wood, covered in red leather with stamped and gilt borders and brass handles; fitted interior lined with red velvet, edged with silver braid. Trunk-shaped. (with C.20-1984). title: case NOTES ----- type: history note value: Dr Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802); Miss Emma Darwin (1784-1818); Sir Francis Sacheverel Darwin MD (1786-1859); his widow (d.1866); Reginald Darwin (1818-92); Admiral Sacheverel Darwin (1844-1900); his half-second cousin, Charles Darwin's second son, Sir George Howard Darwin FRS (1845-1912); Sir Charles Galton Darwin FRS (1887-1862); George Pember Darwin, by whom lent to the Fitzwilliam in 1963. LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts STABLE URL ---------- url: CATEGORIES ------ category: boxes (containers) DATING ------ creation date: 1789 - 1802 creation date earliest: 1789 creation date latest: 1802 culture: George III CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Height units: cm value: 20.4 dimension: Width units: cm value: 22.5 dimension: Width units: cm value: 30 CITATIONS -------- Masterpieces of Wedgwood in the British Museum ---