id:	162435
accession number:	MAR.M.208-1912

created:	Saturday 6 August 2011
updated:	Tuesday 3 December 2024

object type: Dial: Break-arch brass dial plate 14 inches across.  Foliate engraved centre, signed ‘Willm Foster Manchester', silvered chapter ring, and large cherub spandrels (C & W, No.13) of the type often used on late 18th century North Country dials.  In the arch a lunar dial incorporating a painted disc probably on the original clock.  Modern stamped steel hands of serpentine design.  Levers in slots at III and IX for selecting 4 bells/8 bells chime, Strike/Silent respectively.  The whole dial and movement made late 19th or early 20th century to replace a painted dial striking clock and probably with the maker's name transferred from the original dial.

Movement: 8 day movement, chiming quarters on four or eight bells as required and striking hours on a coiled steel wire gong.  It gives Westminster chimes on four bells, which did not become popular until after their adoption for the ‘Big Ben' clock in 1859.  As stated above, the movement was made towards the end of the 19th century or even later.

Case: Mahogany carcase veneered with figured mahogany and inlaid with chequered stringing, fans and swags, some of which probably date from the `improvements' of the late 19th century.  Detached fluted columns, with brass corinthian capitals and bases to hood and trunk and fluted canted corners to plinth.  Horn-top pediment with blind frets and wooden paterae.  One brass spire finial but with holes for two more.  A typical Lancashire case, so probably supplied with the Foster clock.
title:	longcase clock

type: history note
value: unknown before testator

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Applied Arts
collection:	C. B. Marlay
creditline: C.B. Marlay Bequest


category: clocks

creation date:	1790 - 1900
creation date earliest:	1790
creation date latest:	1900
culture:	18th Century, Late
culture:	19th Century, Late

maker: Foster, William, clockmaker

dimension: Height
units: cm
value: 250.2

dimension: Height
units: ft
value: 8' 2½ "

Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World