IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 18082 accession number: HEN.M.22A-1933 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Wednesday 13 March 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Pot helmet, for a pikeman, decorated with embossed and engraved bands and chevrons. The pot is formed in two halves with a hemispherical crown joined by a turn along its low, medial comb that rises to an obtuse point at its apex, and furnished with a broad, slightly downturned, integral brim that is obtusely pointed front and rear. A modern plume-holder of tapering tubular form with a single integral arm is riveted at the right of the nape of the crown. The front of the brim is pierced with a pair of large, modern wiring-holes. The main edges have plain inward turns. The armour is decorated throughout with multiple bands and borders of 'terraced' form that project inwards at intervals as chevrons. The bands are emphasised by single and pairs of incised lines. The armour is decorated with borders and lines of brass-capped rivets, most of which serve as lining-rivets. Part of the pikeman's armour HEN.M.22A-E-1933. title: pot helmet NOTES ----- type: history note value: From Brancepeth Castle, Northumberland. Mr James Stewart Henderson of 'Abbotsford', Downs Road, St Helen's Park, Hastings, Sussex. LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts collection: J.S. Henderson creditline: J.S. Henderson Bequest STABLE URL ---------- url: TECHNIQUES ---------- the pot is formed of two halves with a hemispherical crown joined by a turn along its low, medial comb that rises to an obtuse point at its apex, and furnished with a broad, slightly downturned, integral brim that is obtusely pointed front and rear hammering TECHNIQUES ---------- patinating TECHNIQUES ---------- forming CATEGORIES ------ category: armour DATING ------ creation date: 1630 - 1630 creation date earliest: 1630 creation date latest: 1630 culture: 17th Century, Early CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Depth units: cm value: 42.2 dimension: Height units: cm value: 23 dimension: Weight units: kg value: 1.63 dimension: Width units: cm value: 28.6