id:	18135
accession number:	M.1.3B-1936

created:	Saturday 6 August 2011
updated:	Monday 29 April 2024

object type: Collar, for field use, decorated with fluting in the 'Maximilian' fashion. Formed of four upward-overlapping lames front and rear.  The top lame in each instance has a prominent, plain, inward turn at its upper edge.  The bottom lame in each instance is considerably deeper than the rest and has a slightly convex lower edge with rounded corners.  The lames are connected to one another by three internal leathers front and rear.  The leathers are attached to each lame by pairs of rivets, all of which are externally flush except  on the lowest lame where they are round-headed with octagonal internal washers.  Decorative, round-headed rivets occupy construction-holes in the second to fourth lames aligning with the outer of the underlying pairs of rivet-holes for the outer connecting-leathers.  The front and rear sections of the collar are connected to one another at the left side by a hinge with cropped corners secured within the top lames by a pair of externally-flush rivets front and rear.  The front and rear sections are fastened to one another at the right side by a pair of vertically-aligned, plain, circular studs on the top rear lame engaging a pair of circular holes in the corresponding front lame.  The lower of the studs is now missing.  The front and rear sections of the collar are further fastened to one another at either side by a turning-pin with an octagonal internal washer on the bottom rear lame engaging a keyhole-slot in the corresponding front lame.  Attached by a single externally-flush rivet to either side of the lowest rear lame, on the top of the shoulder, is a long sturdy, hinged stud with a sprung-lug, to engage a hole in the top of the shoulder-defence.  Each end of the hinge is decorated laterally with deep, v-shaped nicks, and around its edge with light serrations. The front and rear of the collar are each decorated, except on the first lame, with a medial group of seven flutes and two lateral groups of five flutes, all emphasised by pairs of incised lines and diverging slightly downwards and outwards. Part of the composite half armour M.1.3A-E-1936.
title:	collar

type: history note
value: Mrs E.W. Stead and Mr Gilbert Stead of Dalston Hall, Cumberland.

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Applied Arts
creditline: Given by Mrs E.W. Stead and Mr Gilbert Stead


formed of four upward-overlapping lames front and rear; hammered, shaped, riveted, hinged with fluted and incised decoration

category: armour

creation date:	1800 - 1900
creation date earliest:	1800
creation date latest:	1900
culture:	19th Century

maker: Unknown

dimension: Depth
units: cm
value: 21.7

dimension: Height
units: cm
value: 16.5

dimension: Weight
units: kg
value: 1.24

dimension: Width
units: cm
value: 13.6