IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 225125 accession number: P.14634-R(2) DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Wednesday 5 September 2018 updated: Monday 15 January 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: A figure on horseback, facing left and holding a large coin aloft in his right hand. The card is untitled. The Spanish term for the suit of Coins is 'Oros'. Each suit is identified by an outline frame known as 'la pinta', which distinguishes the suit without showing the whole card; the Cups have one interruption, the Swords two, the Clubs three, and the Coins none (as is seen here). 'La pinta' first appeared around the mid-17th century. Hand coloured woodcut on pasteboard. From an incomplete set, 51 of 52 playing cards (the Knight of Swords is missing) with Spanish suits in the Cadiz pattern, made in Madrid. The Ace of Coins has scrolls inscribed with the publisher's name and place of production: 'REAL FABRICA DE MADRID' and 'POR D FELIX / SOLESIO E HIJOS' (trans. 'Felix Solesio and Sons'). The Four of Coins includes a shield at the centre containing the inscription: 'NAYPES / FINISINOS / FABIRCADOS / FN MADRID / H 1801'. The Two of Cups includes the inscription: 'PARA CARACAS' [trans., 'To Caracas'], indicating that the pack was created for export to Caracas (Venezuela) and the Spanish colonies in South America. The backs of the cards are printed in blue ink with a repeated pattern of flower shapes composed of seven small dots. The British Museum holds a very similar complete pack of 52 cards which was published by Felix Solesio and Sons in 1802. See: 1896,0501.831. See Notes. title: playing card LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Paintings, Drawings and Prints creditline: Given by H.D. Catling, 1930-02-01 STABLE URL ---------- url: TECHNIQUES ---------- hand colouring TECHNIQUES ---------- woodcut CATEGORIES ------ category: print DATING ------ creation date: 1801 - 1801 creation date earliest: 1801 creation date latest: 1801 culture: 19th Century CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown maker: Felix Solesio & Sons