IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 276872 accession number: MU.MS.265.p.105 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Tuesday 1 December 2020 updated: Tuesday 8 June 2021 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Aria for S, [bn obbligato], vlc/b. Lacking at least the first and last leaves. Written for the 1758 performance of Judas Maccadaeus. Possibly an arrangement to English words of the aria 'Vibri pure iniqua sorte' from the opera 'Rodrigo' (1707), the original of which does not survive (see Anthony Hicks. Late additions to Handel's oratorios, IN Music in eighteenth-century England : essays in memory of Charles Cudworth, edited by Christopher Hogwood and Richard Luckett (Cambridge University Press, 1983), pp. 160-165). Manuscript in the hand of J.C. Smith, 1712-1795. Watermark: "LVG" below Strasbourg bend (top of watermark absent) ; countermark: "JW" 1.1.1 S Future times record thy story d C-1 bB 4F8G/4A8B/4''C8D/4'E8F/4G8A/4B8''C/4D8'G/4xF Songs (High voice) with orchestra Scores. title: Judas Maccabaeus. Great in wisdom, great in glory LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Manuscripts and Printed Books STABLE URL ---------- url: CATEGORIES ------ category: manuscript (music) DATING ------ creation date: 1758 - 1758 creation date earliest: 1758 creation date latest: 1758 CREATORS -------- maker: Handel, George Frideric maker: Smith, John Christopher (jun) DIMENSIONS ---------- value: 1 ms. score (p. 105-108) ; 24 x 29 cm.