IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 27844 accession number: C.356-1991 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Monday 3 February 2025 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Clear glass, cut and wheel-engraved. Facetted ogee bowl; baluster stem with cut shoulders and facets and a basal collar; flat circular foot; and domed cover with a cut cone-shaped finial. The bowl is decorated with a quartered coat of arms with a double-headed eagle crest surounded by strapwork, scrolls and flowers. The rim has a border of scallops. The underside of the foot is cut with radiating ellipses and straight cuts and on top with two sprays of foliage and flowers branching in opposite directions from centre front. title: goblet NOTES ----- type: history note value: H.S. Reitlinger (d.1950); the Reitlinger Trust, Maidenhead, from which transferred in 1991. LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts collection: H.S. Reitlinger creditline: Bequeathed by Henry Scipio Reitlinger, 1950; transferred from the Reitlinger Trust, 1991. STABLE URL ---------- url: PEOPLE ------------------- putto SUBJECTS ------------------- basket of flowers coat of arms eagle flowers foliage basket of flowers coat of arms eagle flowers foliage CATEGORIES ------ category: glass DATING ------ creation date: 1740 - 1750 creation date earliest: 1740 creation date latest: 1750 culture: 18th Century CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Height units: cm value: 24.2