id:	72635
accession number:	C.18.11-1948

created:	Saturday 6 August 2011
updated:	Friday 21 September 2012

object type: Wheel-thrown earthenware bowl fragments with various provenances, body tones ranging from reddish to dark brown with inclusions, coated with cream slips and incised under glazes including yellow, pale yellow and greenish glazes, enhanced with dark brown and green pigments

A: Probably Paphos, 13th century
Shape: Vessel fragment, including part of inverted upper body and section of triangular rim, Similar to B
Interior: Pale yellowy-green glaze over a cream slip, with a line of brown pigment running over surface from the rim. Below incised concentric double lines inside the rim and at the carination, the upper body is decorated with a lobed pattern of curving lines over a ground of scrolling decoration and dense scribbles
Exterior: Brown undecorated glaze over a cream slip

B: Probably Paphos, 13th century
Shape: Vessel fragment, including part of inverted upper body and section of triangular rim. Similar to A.
Interior: Pale yellowy-green glaze over a cream slip, with a line of brown pigment running over surface from the rim and another at the lower corner, a sparse pattern of lightly incised scallops is encircled by incised concentric double lines inside the rim and at the carination
Exterior: Brown glaze over a cream slip, an area of yellow glaze from the rim running down in two lines over the body

C: Paphos, 13th century
Shape: Vessel fragment, including part of carinated upper body with a concave vertical wall and section of triangular rim
Interior: Pale yellowy-green transparent glaze over a flecked cream slip, a hatched medallion pattern and one thin line incised on the upper body, concentric lines incised around the rim, with a few splashes of green pigment running over the surface from the rim
Exterior: A splash of cream slip running over from the rim, under a pale green glaze applied directly to the dark body fabric

D: Mamluk sgraffito, late 13th -14th century
Shape: Fragment of slightly inverted rim
Interior: Yellow glaze applied over a cream slip, on the body, a decorative band of angular pseudo script over a background of scribbled spirals is enclosed above and below by double lines
Exterior: Undecorated green glaze over a cream slip, pooling at the rim.

E: Byzantine, possibly 12th century
Shape: Fragment of curved body
Interior: Pale yellowy-green glaze over a cream slip, the slip incised and carved away in places to produce a champlevé decoration of floral and lobed elements, and straight lines
Exterior: Undecorated brown glaze applied directly to the body

F: Byzantine 13th/14th century
Shape: section of slightly curving lower body with approximately half of base and low ring foot
Interior: Yellow glaze over a cream slip, incised concentric circles around base and lower body, possibly produced using a compass, with two thin wavy lines incised between these circles
Exterior: Unglazed and undecorated

G: Probably Mamluk sgrafitto, 14th century
Shape: lower body with curved walls and part of carination at top of lower body, with approximately half of base and flaring ring foot; atypical shape for Mamluk sgrafitto
Interior: Yellow glaze over a cream slip, the base is decorated with an abstract carved and incised pattern of vegetal elements and encircled by an incised double line with one wavy line above
Exterior: Yellow glaze is applied over a cream slip, running over and to the underside of the flaring foot ring
object type: Seven earthenware fragments, all with a cream slip incised under yellow, pale yellow and greenish glazes, enhanced with dark brown and green pigments
title:	sherds

type: history note
value: From Farouk I University Alexandria

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Applied Arts


Wheel-thrown earthenware bowl fragments with various provenances, body tones ranging from reddish to dark brown with inclusions, coated with cream slips and incised under glazes including yellow, pale yellow and greenish glazes, enhanced with dark brown and green pigments

category: glazed earthenware

creation date:	1100 - 1399
creation date earliest:	1100
creation date latest:	1399
culture:	12th Century-14th Century

maker: Unknown

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