IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 76065 accession number: C.79-1997 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Tuesday 30 April 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: The reliefs are: (a) on one side, Venus in a chariot drawn by a lion, attended by two putti, one holding a mirror up to her. (b) On the other side, a putto in a chariot drawn by a lioness which has another putto on her back. (c) Under the lip, a putto riding a lion with a putto and shrubs on each side. object type: Small bulbous jug with cylindrical neck and loop handle. On the body, three white reliefs of putti on a copper lustre ground with moulded bands in white above and below. A band of copper lustre around the neck continues, with resist decoration, under the lip and another runs around the rim. Two pink lust lines down the handle cover a stylised leaf moulding. The underside is flat and glazed, with a slight foot-rim. object type: White earthenware, relief moulded and sprigged, glazed, and lustred in copper and pink. title: jug NOTES ----- type: history note value: unknown before G.H.W. Rylands, Litt.D., CBE, CH, King's College, Cambridge LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts creditline: Given by G.H.W. Rylands in memory of his mother, Betha Wolferstan Rylands STABLE URL ---------- url: PEOPLE ------------------- Venus SUBJECTS ------------------- putti lion putti lion TECHNIQUES ---------- White earthenware, relief moulded and sprigged, glazed, and lustred. moulding CATEGORIES ------ category: lead-glazed earthenware category: pearlware category: lustreware DATING ------ creation date: 1815 - 1820 creation date earliest: 1815 creation date latest: 1820 culture: 19th Century, Early CREATORS -------- maker: Shorthose & Co. maker: Shorthose & Heath maker: Enoch Wood and Sons DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Height units: cm value: 8.2 dimension: Width units: cm value: 11.2 CITATIONS -------- 19th Century Lustreware Illustrated Guide to British Jugs : from mediaeval times to the twentieth century Collecting Lustreware Manufacturing Processes of Tableware during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries --- IMAGES surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels