IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 76123 accession number: C.80 & A & B-1991 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Tuesday 30 April 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Earthenware, the interior is tin-glazed greyish-white; the exterior is lead-glazed yellowish-brown; base unglazed. Painted in manganese and green. Approximately Shape 22, with warped sides. Inside, radiating from a central green spot, there are six wavy stems bearing stylised flowers reserved in cross-hatching, enclosed by two concentric manganese circles with triangular motifs projecting inwards between the flowers. The sides are decorated with green strokes on either side of a wavy manganese stem, with a horizontal manganese band above. object type: Maiolica bowl, painted in manganese and green with six stylised flowers on stems. title: bowl NOTES ----- type: history note value: Signor Avvocato Marcioni or Cavaliere Capitano Lucatelli; Sotheby's, 16-17 February [16] 1914, Catalogue of the collections of early Italian pottery formed by Signor Avvocato Marcioni and Cavaliere Capitano Lucatelli of Orvieto, lot 83 and pl. IV. William Ridout; Christie's, 13 December 1938, The William Ridout collection of Italian majolica, European pottery, faience and delftware, part of lot 108; H.S. Reitlinger (d.1950); the Reitlinger Trust, Maidenhead, from which transferred in 1991. LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts collection: H.S. Reitlinger creditline: H.S. Reitlinger Bequest, 1950; transferred from the Reitlinger Trust, 1991 STABLE URL ---------- url: CATEGORIES ------ category: tin-glazed earthenware category: maiolica DATING ------ creation date: 1275 - 1350 creation date earliest: 1275 creation date latest: 1350 culture: 13th Century, Late culture: 14th Century culture: Medieval CREATORS -------- maker: Unidentified Orvieto pottery DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Diameter units: cm value: 29.7 dimension: Height units: cm value: 10.5 EXHIBITIONS HISTORY ------------------- title: Italian Maiolica in the Fitzwilliam Museum CITATIONS -------- A Catalogue of the Collection of Italian and other Maiolica, Mediaeval English Pottery, Dutch, Spanish and French Faïence, and other Ceramic Wares, formed by William Ridout of London and Toronto Italian Maiolica and Incised Slipware in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge Le vecchie collezioni di ceramica orvietana medievale Maiolica before Raphael. Italian ceramics before 1500 --- IMAGES surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels